Rediscovering yourself through Mantra and how to chant
Part 1
''Love is the door... chanting is the key''
"In these teaching pages, I will share my experience of Sankrit mantra chanting and offer guidance as to how you can start chanting yourself. Part I discusses the value of Sankrit mantras and Part 2 is a step-by-step guide to practicing this ancient form of meditation. Part 3 when it is done will discuss voicing mantras. I hope you find these pages helpful - please email me if you have questions or comments."
Namaste - Jana
Working out your own personal mantra practice is similar to having a healing remedy prescribed to address your whole system: spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. It deals with clearing away the negative issues which drain your energy and prevent you from fulfilling your goals and aspirations in life.
When you recognize that you are repeating the same patterns in your life over and over again, there is something you need to release and heal. The patterns of karma are complex (from this lifetime and some believe from all our previous lifetimes) and mantra chanting can help resolve and transform these patterns effectively. It is a powerful form of self-healing, which simply requires practice.
Mantra is a Sanskrit word, meaning 'to free the mind' - from 'man' meaning 'mind' and 'trai' meaning 'to protect.' Thus the mind is the key to transforming our lives and our way of being.
Sanskrit mantra helps us to cultivate this waking-up process - we can enjoy the beautiful experiences of focusing our attention as soon as we start practicing. It is a wonderful journey of discovery which brings us back home to our true selves.
This 'going home' journey can be started at any time: anywhere and for any reason... It is a decision which then tunes your mind into your inner landscape and enabling the attainment of peace.
In Part 2, I will guide you through how to chant and what you need to make a daily practice.
Carry on to 'How to chant mantras'